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Tattoo Blog - Jon Poulson

Jon Poulson Tattoo Blog, Tattoo Artist and Owner Aloha Tattoos in Salt Lake and Park City and Private Studio Ancient Marks Tattoos in Salt Lake City, Utah

Tattoo Styles - Viking Tattoos

Viking tattoos are becoming increasingly popular, as people look for ways to pay homage to the fearless and adventurous spirit of the Vikings. With their bold designs, intricate knotwork, and powerful imagery, these tattoos are a symbol of strength, courage, and heritage. If you're considering a Viking tattoo, here's what you need to know.

History of Viking Tattoos:

The Vikings were a seafaring people who hailed from Scandinavia and lived between the 8th and 11th centuries. They were known for their raids and conquests, as well as their art, literature, and shipbuilding skills. While little is known about the tattoos that Vikings may have had, it's believed that they used tattoos as a way to mark their bravery and social status. Some Vikings may have also used tattoos to commemorate important events or to ward off evil spirits.

Popular Viking Tattoo Designs:

There are many different Viking tattoo designs to choose from, each with its own symbolism and meaning. Some popular designs include but certainly. not limited to:

  • The Longship: A longship is a type of Viking ship that was used for raids and exploration. A tattoo of a longship symbolizes the spirit of adventure and the courage of the Vikings.

  • The Valknut: The Valknut is a symbol of Norse mythology that represents the afterlife. It is a symbol of strength, courage, and power, and is often associated with the god Odin.

  • The Yggdrasil: The Yggdrasil is a symbol of the Norse creation myth and represents the world tree that connects the nine realms. A tattoo of the Yggdrasil symbolizes the interconnectedness of all things and the balance of the universe.

  • The Runic Alphabet: Runes were the alphabet used by the Vikings, and they held great importance in Norse mythology and magic. A tattoo of the runic alphabet symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, as well as the connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage.

  • The Helm of Awe: The Helm of Awe is a symbol of Norse mythology that represents protection and bravery. A tattoo of the Helm of Awe symbolizes courage and the determination to face challenges head-on.

  • Bindrunes; Bindrunes are a type of Viking symbol that combine multiple runes into a single design. They were used by the Vikings as a way to combine the individual meanings of each rune into a single, powerful symbol. Bindrunes could be used for a variety of purposes, such as protection, good luck, or to bring about a desired outcome. The process of creating a bindrune involves carefully selecting and arranging the runes in a specific order to create a unique symbol with its own distinct meaning. To create a bindrune, a person would need a good understanding of the runes and their meanings, as well as the intended purpose of the bindrune. Today, bindrunes are popular in Viking tattoo art and are used to symbolize a range of meanings, from protection and strength to heritage and cultural identity.

  • Ravens: Norse ravens are an important symbol in Viking mythology and are often associated with the god Odin. In Norse mythology, Odin had two ravens, Hugin and Munin, who flew around the world gathering information for him. The ravens represented Odin's wisdom and knowledge, and their presence was a symbol of his power and influence. In Viking society, the raven was also a symbol of power, courage, and strength, and it was often used as a symbol of protection and good luck. Today, Norse ravens are a popular design in Viking tattoo art and are often chosen to symbolize the wearer's connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage and their love of adventure and bravery. Whether depicted in flight, perched on a branch, or clutching a weapon, the Norse raven is a powerful symbol of the strength and courage that is associated with the Vikings.

  • Wolves: The Norse wolf is another important symbol in Viking mythology and is often associated with the god Odin. In Norse mythology, Odin had two wolves, Geri and Freki, who were his loyal companions and were said to accompany him into battle. The wolves represented strength, power, and loyalty, and their presence was a symbol of Odin's authority and power. In Viking society, the wolf was also a symbol of courage, strength, and protection, and it was often used as a talisman to ward off evil spirits. Today, Norse wolves are a popular design in Viking tattoo art and are often chosen to symbolize the wearer's connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage and their love of adventure and bravery. Whether depicted in full snarl, howling at the moon, or as a simple silhouette, the Norse wolf is a powerful symbol of the strength and courage that is associated with the Vikings.

  • Snakes and Serpents: Snakes and serpents are another important symbol in Viking mythology, and they often represent both good and evil. In Norse mythology, the serpent Jörmungandr was a giant serpent who was said to encircle the world and hold it together. Despite its immense size, Jörmungandr was also seen as a symbol of chaos and destruction, as it was said to bring about the end of the world in the Ragnarok. On the other hand, the serpent was also a symbol of renewal and rebirth, as it was said to shed its skin and emerge renewed. In Viking society, snakes and serpents were often used as symbols of protection, and they were believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. Today, Norse snakes and serpents are a popular design in Viking tattoo art and are often chosen to symbolize the wearer's connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage and their love of adventure and bravery. Whether depicted as a menacing monster or a serpentine symbol of renewal, the Norse snake is a powerful symbol of the mystery and power that is associated with the Vikings.

  • God Mask: in Norse mythology, masks were often associated with the gods and were used to disguise their true identities or to take on different forms. The gods would often use masks to travel incognito among mortals, or to trick and mislead their enemies. Masks were also used in religious ceremonies and rituals, where they would be worn to symbolize the presence of a god.

    The concept of the god mask is closely tied to the idea of shapeshifting in Norse mythology, as the gods were believed to be able to take on different forms and disguise themselves as animals, humans, or even objects. The use of masks in this context was seen as a way to tap into the power and magic of the gods, and to call forth their strength and protection in times of need.

    Today, Norse god masks are a popular design in Viking tattoo art, and they are often used to symbolize the wearer's connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage and their love of adventure and bravery. Whether depicted as a fierce warrior mask or a mysterious, enigmatic symbol, the Norse god mask is a powerful symbol of the mystery and power that is associated with the Vikings.

  • Wyrms: Wyrms, also known as dragons, play a significant role in Norse mythology. These powerful creatures were often depicted as fierce beasts, with a reputation for hoarding treasure and causing destruction. In Norse mythology, the world-encircling serpent Jörmungandr was considered the mightiest of all wyrms. Despite their reputation for being fearsome, wyrms were also associated with wisdom and were seen as symbols of power and protection.

    Today, Norse wyrms, or dragons, continue to be a popular design in Viking tattoo art, and they are often chosen to symbolize the wearer's connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage and their love of adventure and bravery. Whether depicted as a snarling monster or a wise and regal creature, the Norse wyrm is a powerful symbol of the mystery and power that is associated with the Vikings.

  • Beasts: In Norse mythology, beasts played a significant role and were often associated with the gods and their adventures. The wolves Geri and Freki, who were associated with the god Odin, were two of the most famous beasts in Norse mythology. Other creatures, such as the giant serpent Jörmungandr, the world-goat Heidrun, and the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, were also important figures in the myths and legends of the Vikings.

    These beasts were often seen as symbols of strength, power, and courage, and they played a key role in the adventures and battles of the gods. In Viking society, they were also believed to have magical powers, and they were often invoked for protection and good luck.

    Today, Norse beasts are a popular design in Viking tattoo art, and they are often chosen to symbolize the wearer's connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage and their love of adventure and bravery. Whether depicted as a fierce monster or a loyal companion, the Norse beasts are a powerful symbol of the strength and courage that is associated with the Vikings.

  • Symbols: In Norse mythology, many symbols played a significant role in the culture and beliefs of the Vikings. From the Valknut, a symbol of Odin and the afterlife, to the Helm of Awe, a symbol of protection and power, the Vikings had a rich tradition of using symbols to express their beliefs, values, and cultural heritage. The Yggdrasil, the world tree that connected the nine realms of Norse mythology, was also a central symbol in their beliefs.

    Today, Norse symbols continue to be a popular design in Viking tattoo art, and they are often chosen to symbolize the wearer's connection to the Vikings' rich cultural heritage and their love of adventure and bravery. Whether depicted as an intricate knotwork design or a simple and powerful symbol, the Norse symbols are a powerful expression of the mystery, strength, and courage that are associated with the Vikings.

Choosing the Right Design:

When choosing a Viking tattoo, it's important to consider what the design represents and how it relates to your personal values and beliefs. You may want to choose a design that symbolizes your heritage, or one that represents your spirit of adventure and courage. Or you may even want to pick a design that just looks good to you for no particular reason. You may also want to consider the size and placement of your tattoo, as well as the colors and shading used in the design. But when it comes down to it, we are not in the age of vikings anymore. whatever you choose to include in your tattoo design is your own business. and something that you get to wear with pride, regardless of the reasons you chose what you did.

Final Thoughts:

Viking tattoos are a powerful and meaningful way to pay homage to the fearless and adventurous spirit of the Vikings. Whether you choose a design that symbolizes your heritage, your courage, or your connection to Norse mythology, a Viking tattoo is a powerful and lasting expression of who you are. And they just plain look cool.

I would be more than happy to work with you in order to create the perfect tattoo for you. Since we’re not in the Viking age anymore, we can combine just about any imagery and style to create your perfect tattoo design, and ultimately your perfect tattoo. I would encourage you to do your own research and find your own personal meaning to the tattoo that you want. Most of what we know about viking tattoos is half guesses. Very few records of the what's, why’s and how’s remain from such an ancient time.

Feel free to contact Jon Poulson directly with questions, etc.. You will find him at his private studio in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, or by clicking here -