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Tattoo Blog - Jon Poulson

Jon Poulson Tattoo Blog, Tattoo Artist and Owner Aloha Tattoos in Salt Lake and Park City and Private Studio Ancient Marks Tattoos in Salt Lake City, Utah

Tattoo Styles - Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry tattoos and designs have been gaining popularity in recent years as people seek meaningful and visually stunning tattoos that connect them to ancient spiritual beliefs and practices. In this post, we will explore what sacred geometry is, its history and significance, and how it is used in tattoo designs.

What is Sacred Geometry?

Sacred geometry is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that are considered to have spiritual and mystical significance. It is a system of mathematical principles that underlies the structure of the universe and is said to reveal the underlying pattern of the cosmos. Sacred geometry has been used in various forms of art and architecture, from the pyramids of Egypt to the mandalas of Hinduism and Buddhism.

The History and Significance of Sacred Geometry

The use of sacred geometry can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was believed to hold the key to the secrets of the universe. The Greeks, for example, used geometry in the design of their temples and the construction of their cities, and the Egyptians used it in the construction of the pyramids. In more recent times, sacred geometry has been associated with spiritual and mystical beliefs, including the Kabbalah and the Hermetic tradition.

The significance of sacred geometry lies in the belief that these shapes and patterns are not just aesthetically pleasing, but that they hold a deeper meaning and purpose. It is believed that the shapes and patterns used in sacred geometry are symbolic of the underlying structure of the universe and that they can help connect us to the divine.

Sacred Geometry in Tattoo Designs

Today, sacred geometry is used in many different forms of art and design, including tattoo art. Sacred geometry tattoos and designs feature intricate patterns and shapes that are said to have spiritual significance and to symbolize the underlying structure of the universe. Some popular sacred geometry tattoo designs include the Flower of Life, the Sri Yantra, the Mandala, and the Seed of Life.

When choosing a sacred geometry tattoo design, it is important to consider its symbolism and meaning. Some designs may have more personal significance to you, while others may have a more universal meaning. It is also important to choose a design that is visually appealing and well-suited to your body and personal style.

Some examples of Sacred Gometry

The possibilities are limitless these days where we use complex programs to draw these often sacred works of art. Here’s a few ideas to look up to get some inspiration.

  • Flower of Life: A repeating pattern of overlapping circles that is said to symbolize the interconnectedness of all things.

  • Sri Yantra: A complex geometric pattern that is used in Hindu and tantric practices to represent the cosmos and promote spiritual growth.

  • Mandala: A circular design that symbolizes the universe and represents the cyclical nature of life and the cosmos.

  • Seed of Life: A pattern of seven overlapping circles that symbolize the creation of the universe and the stages of life.

  • Metatron's Cube: A three-dimensional cube made up of 13 spheres that symbolizes the structure of the universe and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

  • Vesica Piscis: A shape formed by the intersection of two circles that symbolizes the divine and is often used in Christian art.

  • The Tree of Life: A symbol that represents the interconnectedness of all living things and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

  • The Hexagon: A six-sided shape that symbolizes balance and stability and is often used in sacred geometry designs.

  • The Platonic Solids: Five geometric shapes (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron) that are considered to be the building blocks of the universe.

  • The Labyrinth: A complex pattern of lines and curves that symbolize the journey through life and is often used as a symbol of spiritual growth and transformation.


In conclusion, sacred geometry tattoos and designs are a meaningful and visually stunning way to connect with ancient spiritual beliefs and practices. Whether you are seeking a design that has a personal significance to you or one that has a more universal meaning, sacred geometry is a beautiful and meaningful choice for a tattoo. So, if you're looking for a tattoo that is both beautiful and meaningful, consider a sacred geometry design today!

I would be more than happy to work with you to create your perfect tattoo. I draw Sacred Geometry and Mandallas for fun in my off time. These tattoos do take time to create, and wrap around the body. If you have questions on how to go about getting something created, reach-out or schedule a consultation. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you have and see if we can design your perfect next tattoo.

Feel free to contact Jon Poulson directly with questions, etc.. You will find him at his private studio in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, or by clicking here -