Award Winning Tattoos by Professionals that Care

Tattoo Blog - Jon Poulson

Jon Poulson Tattoo Blog, Tattoo Artist and Owner Aloha Tattoos in Salt Lake and Park City and Private Studio Ancient Marks Tattoos in Salt Lake City, Utah

Common Questions - Tattoo Numbing Cream...

Getting a tattoo is a form of permanent body art that can be a meaningful and exciting experience. However, for some people, the pain associated with getting a tattoo can be a major deterrent. To alleviate this discomfort, many people turn to using numbing cream. While numbing cream can be an effective solution for reducing the pain of getting a tattoo, it's important to understand both the risks and rewards associated with its use. Lets look at both sides a bit more so that you can make an informed decision if you’re considering using a numbing cream on your next tattoo.

Numbing cream, also known as topical anesthetic, is a cream that contains an active ingredient that numbs the skin and reduces the pain felt during a tattoo. This type of cream is applied to the area before getting a tattoo to help reduce the pain.

When choosing a numbing cream for tattooing, it is important to select a product that is safe and effective. There are many different types of numbing creams available, but not all of them are safe to use on the skin. Some numbing creams contain ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction or irritate the skin. To ensure safety, it is important to choose a numbing cream that has been tested and is safe for use on the skin.

One of the most popular numbing creams for tattooing is Dr. Numb. This cream contains the active ingredient lidocaine, which is a type of local anesthetic. Dr. Numb is safe to use on the skin and has been tested for effectiveness. When applied to the skin, the cream helps to reduce the pain and discomfort felt during a tattoo.

To use Dr. Numb for tattooing, follow their directions to avoid any unnecessary problems during the procedure. Simplyl apply a thin layer of the cream to the area that will be tattooed. It is important to wait for 30 to 45 minutes for the cream to take effect before getting the tattoo. This will give the cream enough time to numb the skin and reduce the pain.

Benefits of using a Numbing Cream.

  1. Pain relief: The main benefit of using numbing cream is that it can help to reduce the pain associated with getting a tattoo. The cream contains active ingredients such as lidocaine, which works by numbing the skin and reducing the sensation of pain. This can make the tattooing process more comfortable and less intimidating for some people.

  2. Improved Tattooing Experience: For some people, the pain of getting a tattoo can be a distracting and unpleasant experience. Using numbing cream can help to make the experience more pleasant and allow the person to relax and enjoy the process.

  3. Better Tattoo Results: When getting a tattoo, it's important to remain still in order to ensure that the design is accurate and clear. The pain of getting a tattoo can make it difficult for some people to sit still, leading to a subpar tattoo. By using numbing cream, the person can remain still and relaxed, leading to better tattoo results.

Risks of using numbing cream:

  1. Health Concerns: Some numbing creams contain ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction or irritate the skin. This can lead to itching, redness, and even hives. In some cases, these reactions can be severe and require medical attention.

  2. Reduced Sensitivity: When using numbing cream, the skin is numbed to the point where you may not feel the pain of the needle. However, this also means that you may not feel other sensations that can indicate a problem during the tattooing process.

  3. Interference with the Tattooing Process: The use of numbing cream can also interfere with the tattooing process. Some tattoo artists may not prefer to use numbing cream as it can make it difficult for them to see the skin and monitor the progress of the tattoo. This can lead to a subpar tattoo and require additional touch-ups in the future.

  4. Interference with the Healing Process: Since the use of Lidocaine and other topical “numbing” creams constrict blood flow to the capillaries, your body may not be able to heal as effectively, potentially causing more pigment to wear out during the healing process. This can cause “holidays” or hollow areas, or just a faded look in general. While this doesn't always, happen, it has many times in the past. And, you will need to undergo the tattoo process again to put that pigment back where it belongs. Unfortunately, getting tattooed costs money, so it may cost you more in the long run. Since we can’t guarantee the outcome if these products are used. So touch-ups are out of your pocket.

In conclusion, using numbing cream when getting a new tattoo can offer pain relief and a more pleasant experience. However, it's important to understand the potential risks associated with its use and to carefully consider whether it is the right choice for you. Consult with your tattoo artist and make an informed decision about the use of numbing cream for your next tattoo.

While I prefer my clients to not use numbing creams unless it will help get through the last bit of the tattoo, or if a client has a hard time sitting for more than 30 minutes of tattoo time per session. I like clients to make informed decisions about what works best for their body. As always, I am not a doctor, and can not offer any medical advice. I would suggest you reach-out to your doctor to discuss this topic further if its something that you feel is right for you. A prescription for this type of cream is always preferred.

Feel free to contact Jon Poulson directly with questions, etc.. You will find him at his private studio in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, or by clicking here -